Hackean PSvita a los 2 dias de su lanzamiento (pero con limitaciones)

"Hello World" es en el mundo de la electrónica de consumo algo casi tan monumental como "papá" o "mamá" en la vida real, y por fortuna, la PS Vita no ha tenido que balbucear durante largos meses hasta pronunciar tan mágicas palabras. Aunque lo haya hecho con un pequeño truco.

La PS Vita del hacker japonés teck4 ha sido la primera en saludar al mundo, usando para ello un exploit con desbordamiento de búfer en el emulador de PSP integrado en la nueva consola de Sony. De esta forma, se puede decir que la Vita ya puede ejecutar software casero, aunque sea con la ayuda de su predecesora, cuyos incontables agujeros de seguridad han conseguido saltar generaciones. En este caso, explotable mediante una partida salvada especialmente modificada.

Es importante recalcar el hecho de que este Hello World no es el primer ejemplo de software casero para PS Vita, sino una muestra de que permite ejecutar código no oficial de PSP, aunque sea de forma extraordinariamente limitada. Queda por ver si Sony dejará abierta esta brecha para mayor deleite de los hackers, o si por el contrario la cerrará con una rápida actualización.

enlace: engadget


En menos de 24 tras el lanzamiento japonés de PS Vita ya se ha conseguido ejecutar código sin firmar, en forma del conocido Hola Mundo. El exploit utilizado en realidad es uno de los muchos que hay en los juegos de PSP y por tanto se ejecuta exclusivamente en modo PSP (y en modo usuario) a través del emulador de PS Vita, sin acceso al hardware de la consola.

Podría ser un primer paso para el hackeo de la consola, pero según explica wololo (una de las máximas autoridades en la scene de PSP) su alcance será bastante limitado. Por un lado, Sony puede retirar o corregir los juegos de PSP afectados, por otro, la transferencia a la consola de las partidas guardadas modificadas con el exploit se debe realizar a través de una aplicación de Sony que puede detectar fácilmente ese tipo de contenido. Más discusión sobre el tema en nuestro foro de PS Vita.Gracias a whitenewage por el aviso.

enlace: elotrolado

Now i am posting this rumour and making sure you understand it is a rumour before i post any more.
PS3HaX member zecoxao posted a link on IRC, containing information on a supposed “Hello World” on the PS Vita by a hacker by the name of teck4 , now the site is Japanese, so translation leaves a garbled mess, but what does seem clear, is that this rumoured hello world, utilizes the PSP Emulator, here is a translated quote(any Japanese readers can give a better translation, please do) :

Added two new clear images, thanks to GraybackPSP

PS Vita PSP at the first place only because it is emulation, emulator running on the fact that just because we can run your own code does not change much. So while hacking into the system are reproduced in an environment that is running on the PSP will own code.
Half-start at the maximum of the PSP Homebrew Byte Loader (reproduction of) is enough.
Some might suspect that I’ll not do FAKE, exploit teck4 his unpublished exploit is genuine.
PSN version save game exploit with other titles, so there are some that may be realized in the start of the PSP Homebrew PS Vita Once you have established how to start the HBL, the saved data is Sony ” Administrative Assistant for PlayStation content “must be transferred to the PS Vita, and further to transfer the state must now transfer the save data folder into the Hello World binaries that only the saved data . Will be transferred into the data folder in the save if the body can then be started with Vita HBL.
And that is a big possibility that such measures are easily crushed to prevent unwanted save game file transfer for applications that work under the control of Sony.
In addition, PS Vita Min Gol exploit so far as such details as if it had been like the PSP PS Vita measures also seem to emulate the PSP.
Source GameGaz
Thanks to akela and zecoxao
Now as i said, this is a huge rumour and is posted merely for discussion purposes, we have either the first hack, or the first fake.


I found teck4′s blog via his twitter
teck4′s Blog
And if you can read Japanese
teck4′s Twitter

Update 2

wololo from wololo.net a long running PSP development site, has shed some light on the exploit, here is what he says:
Japanese PSP scener Mamosuke announced today on his blog that he was able to confirm a “Hello World” running on the PS Vita through the embedded PSP emulator. The exploit was made by developer teck4, and most likely relies on one of our good buffer overflow friends. and for those who are wondering “is it real?”, my current answer is that I haven’t tried it yet, but knowing Mamosuke fairly well I can tell you it’s true.
Technically, the idea behind the hack is simple but brilliant: the PS Vita has a PSP emulator, and we have plenty of PSP game exploits lying around… can we assume they will work on the emulator? That’s what teck4 tried, and the answer is yes, so he managed to run unsigned code on the PS Vita.
For those who join this blog for the first time, basically how this works is that a special save data file is crafted for a specific game. When the game is asked to load the save data, through a flaw in the game code we manage to re-route the game into executing code that we wrote ourselves. That code is usually very simple, displaying a simple message (typically “hello world”, hence the name).
From there, what happened for the PSP was that we integrated these exploits into our homebrew loading tool, Half-byte Loader, which allows people to load more interesting homebrews such as emulators, etc…
wololo go’s into more detail about this exploit on his blog, linked below:
Thanks to Szossze.NET for the wololo.net tip.
Also a clarification, from what i understand, this method only uses the PSP emulator, so will only have access to PSP elements on the PS Vita, so homebrew native on the PS Vita isn’t yet possible, but via the PSP Emulator it is

enlace: PS3hax

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